St. 可以买滚球的正规平台对我们为学生提供的服务感到自豪. From time to time, students may have questions concerning policies or pr行为ices. 通常情况下都有合乎逻辑的解释, and usually most questions can be resolved in an informal setting through direct discussion with the individual or office involved. In instances where a student raises a question about a policy or decision, 受影响的员工或教职员工可能会作出回应. 如果不能通过直接讨论来解决问题, 学生可以通过注册投诉来要求进一步考虑.
St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 is committed to providing high-quality academic programs and 服务 for students and encourages students to cont行为 the University if there is cause for concern regarding academic or non-academic matters.
投诉被定义为对决策的不满, 行为, 或条件, 基于具体的事实数据, affects the student in a perceived negative or unjust manner; furthermore, 不当行为的指控, 不公平的, 任意的, 或者大学人员的歧视性待遇.
Students who wish to register a complaint may cont行为 the 圣可以买滚球的正规平台 Vice President of Student Engagement & 教务长. 澄清学生的顾虑, complaints should be sent in writing to: Vice President of Student Engagement & 教务长, 圣可以买滚球的正规平台, 西蝗虫街518号, 达文波特,IA 52803, 电话:563-333-6000, 或填写网上学生投诉表格.
If a student feels there has been no resolution made to the complaint after cont行为ing the University Vice President of Student Engagement & 教务长, the student may cont行为 the 爱荷华大学学生援助委员会 (Iowa College 援助) by filling out an online dispute form or calling 877-272-4456.
Students who wish to register a complaint may cont行为 the 圣可以买滚球的正规平台 Vice President of Student Engagement & 教务长. 澄清学生的顾虑, complaints should be sent in writing to: Vice President of Student Engagement & 学生事务主任,圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, 西蝗虫街518号, 达文波特,IA 52803, 电话:563-333-6000, 或填写网上学生投诉表格.
Information about registering a complaint with the accrediting or state licensure agencies is available by viewing or downloading this PDF with cont行为 information.
These agencies should be cont行为ed only after the student has registered a complaint with the University and has not received a response to the request for resolution.
圣可以买滚球的正规平台 is approved by the Iowa College 援助 Commission for participation in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) initiative. SARA is a national initiative establishing comparable national standards and expectations for distance and online education; the central purpose is to increase access to online courses and standardize student consumer complaint processes. 通过参与SARA, SAU is allowed to provide online courses outside of the state borders to students residing in any other state which is a member of SARA (currently that includes 49 states, 哥伦比亚特区, 波多黎各和美国.S. 属维尔京群岛).
Students who are considering an online program that leads to professional licensure should cont行为 the licensing agency in the State where they plan to pr行为ice. SARA不提供专业许可的互惠.
更多信息,请访问 NC-SARA 网站.